Chapter 9 --  Spiral Dynamics:  Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change
Beige (SurvivalSense)  The Instinctive Meme

At the core of Beige:

Beige is a virtually automatic state of existence

The Most Basic Human Needs

Beige is concerned with satisfying basic biological needs.

In the Beige zone emotions are few.

Beige does not necessarily mean a stupid or deficient human being.

The Beige meme seems to have intuitions about impending events and to possess a unique spatial awareness.

When Beige is in control, people form bands, just a step above the herd.

The objectives are survival and procreation.

When a tragedy occurs and there is a large loss of life, some of the survivors and loved ones regress into a Beige state of being.

If heavy Beige is relatively fixed, a caretaker system should be employed.

BEIGE/purple: Exiting Phase

As we leave the core BEIGE would of infancy and illness, LC2 appear.  With them comes the recognition of danger.

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Personal notes on reading from :
Beck, D.E. & Cowan, C.C.  Spiral Dynamics:  Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change.