Chapter 15 --  Spiral Dynamics:  Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change
Yellow (FlexFlow)  The Systemic Meme

The interactive universe is becoming more intriguing than autonomy or even community.

What others think is not critical, only interesting.

When individuals or groups thinking through Yellow are given a task, they generally get more and better results while expending less time and effort.

The systems are seen as dynamic forces that contribute to the overall viability of the Spiral.

This view honors value system differences and facilitates the movement of people up an down the human Spiral.

Yellow is "flexible" in that it can enter the conceptual work of the first six systems and interact with them on their frequencies.

Each system is seen as a next step, not a final one.

The Yellow meme thinks and acts from an inner-directed core.

As rear receded, the quantity and quality of good ideas and solutions to problems increased dramatically.

Yellow belongs in the family of systems that are expressive rather than sacrificial.

Yellow thinkers can function singly or in groups.

Since Yellow occupies an conceptual world of continuous change and variety, the capacities to observe cleanly and learn quickly are essential.

Yellow learns a remarkable amount when doing something, much of it peripheral to the task at hand.

Yellow does penetrate the core of an issue.

Yellow thinking leads to gradual disappearance of fancy offices, status symbols, hierarchies of privilege, or any of the adornments of authority or power.

The best equipped and most capable gains authority, regardless of rank, tenure, or even feelings.

Yellow understands the uniqueness of the conceptual and personal worlds each of the previous memes creates.

Yellow's objective is to find means of supplying adequacy so that other living systems do not suffer.

Bright Yellow people often prefer a low profile.

Yellow problem-solvers ride the explosive Spiral in search of major gaps, natural flows and potential awakenings of regressions.  Profound change only occurs around serious problems of existence.

Yellow problem-solvers are adept at resolving paradoxes, creating abundance, and engineering Win: Win: Win outcomes.

YELLOW:  Exiting Phase

We are sensitive to differences, uniqueness, people at diverse levels, and chunks of this and that.

We even begin to search for ways to integrate the entities and give each its full day in the sun.

Turquoise, the global collective of individuals, rises to enfold Yellow, the information elites.

Yellow concerns with "what?" and "how?" are supplanted with queries of "why?" and "who?".

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Personal notes on reading from :
Beck, D.E. & Cowan, C.C.  Spiral Dynamics:  Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change.