Chapter 14 --  Spiral Dynamics:  Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change
Green (HumanBound)  The Relativistic Meme

The Green meme is the climax of the first tier of thinking systems.

As the Green meme brightens, it illuminates the fact that there is still not parity among human beings.

Sacrifice now to obtain now for self and others theme.

Entrepreneuralism is now tempered by humanity.

The individual in orange/GREEN is still entrepreneurial, but needs a circle of friends.

orange/GREEN replaces the certainties of Blue truth and Orange tried-and-true experience with relativism.

Gender equity becomes fact, not "feminist" rhetoric.

Enhanced awareness of ecological systems.

Regulating uncontrolled growth and protecting endangered living things are high on the list.

At the peak, Green is communitarian, egalitarian, and consensual.

The workplace is team-oriented with much discussion and sharing of ideas and feelings.

Green seeks consolidation of the soul and the forces of nature through respect and even awe.

Only judgementalism may be judged harshly.

Since Green authority lies within the group's mind, comparisons with others are less relevant.

Green is susceptible to group-think.  Another vulnerability is collective guilt.

Green shares both emotions and material goods but participants in the transaction must belong to the group.

Green believes in bringing diverse people together so long as they are willing so share in the common experience.

Individuals benefit through elevation of the group as a whole.

Green espouses a preference for the plain, not the fancy.

Green thinkers are almost as inclined to grandiose self-appraisals of heightened consciousness as Orange is to its cleverness.

Being liked and accepted is more important than winning or material gain.

The move along the Spiral from Peak Green comes with doubts about the effectiveness of collectivism and a resurgence of the individuality that has been stifled with LC6.

The first disillusionment with Green begins as the pendulum swings the locus of control from outside back within the individual.

Memes do not exist in isolation, but in context of what has developed before.

In the Green/yellow zone the self begins to reassert its influence.

The beginning of the end is when the person begins to get things done, and done well, all alone.

Whole-Spiral judgments begin to replace Green relativism.

GREEN/yellow begins to express frustration and impatience at the group's needs.

The most significant marker of the Exiting GREEN/yellow stage is the dropping away of fear.

The Yellow meme awakens the Second tier of human existence.

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Personal notes on reading from :
Beck, D.E. & Cowan, C.C.  Spiral Dynamics:  Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change.