Chapter 13 --  Spiral Dynamics:  Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change
Orange (StriveDrive)  The Strategic Meme

The Orange meme sprang to life with The Enlightenment after the Middle Ages.

Emergent Orange carries with it a sense of personal power derived from the Red intelligences and purposeful existence derived from the Blue.

Attention goes to breaking shackles, whether real or imagined, and empowerment and entitlement are recurring themes.

blue/ORANGE needs someone else around to blame for failures since the fault is surely not one's own.

Individuals in this zone are too critical and discriminating to build many trusting relationships.

A useful trait of blue/ORANGE is the ability to excel at start-ups and initiating action.

One is told to strike out to new territory by pushing the accepted limits without quite exceeding them.

While this awakening of Orange lessons Blue-based guilt, it does not eliminate awareness of it since other people are still factors in life's equation.

Change, not permanence, is how nature works.

Individual humans can grow, improve, and progress toward being the best if they but choose to act.

Orange takes a mutliplistic view-many possible ways but one is best.

Demonstrated opposition to authority becomes less important as one moves toward the center of Orange.

Self-confidence intensifies as Orange becomes convinced of its correctness.

Orange embraces values and beliefs that stress materialism over spiritualism.

Orange wants to be directly involved in the progress.

When Orange is active, image often counts more than substance.

A confident bearing and appearance of prosperity can work wonders on the Orange.

Even in an economically impoverished home, child rearing experiences that reward industrious behaviors, independent action, and self-reliances can awaken Orange competencies.

Orange and mobility run together.  Keeping ahead of the Joneses is part of the game.

Orange enjoys argumentation and debate as much a sport.

Orange lives are directed, focused, intense, and connected.

Loyalty is based on utility, not obligation.

Though they can give the appearance of caring, such people have difficulty focusing on someone other than the self.

They can be unscrupulous, justifying harms done to others as necessities that "had to be done".

Orange is equipped for independent operation.

Trickle-down economic theory is rooted on Orange.

Orange/green:  Exiting Phase

The person is now feeling encroachments from others and their needs.

ORANGE/green thinking lets people meet-and-deal very successfully.

They handle things, unruffle feathers, and calm the waters.

Those in the ORANGE/green zone dislike their new-found need for others but recognize their importance in achieving objectives.

At its Exiting phase, guilt begins to reappear when the spotlight shifts from "me" toward a "me and thee" arrangement.

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Personal notes on reading from :
Beck, D.E. & Cowan, C.C.  Spiral Dynamics:  Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change.